I am going to attempt to think of 100 things about myself.
1. I love the rain
2. I catch myself thinking about thinking, which I then realize is really thinking about thinking about thinking, which I then realize in thinking about thinking about thinking about thinking, then I realize tha-oh you get the point.
3. I love to write poems, but they usually aren't that great.
4. Today in computer tech, I hit 78 words per minute! I think thats a high for me. (Of course, it was just typing a pretty simple sentence over and over, but hey, I'll count it.)
5. Along with eternity, my mind cannot comprehend how people can't see that BYU is the best school ever (ok that sounds a little over the top, but I'm serious, it doesn't make sense to me)
6. One of the best feelings in the world to me is right after you've thrown up when you're sick, it feels so relieving.
7. I'm maintaining a B+ in AP Euro!
8. I really hated 7th grade, every aspect of it
9. I believe in this quote from a book I just read called "The Alchemist", "When someone is striving to reach their personal destiny, the whole universe combines to help them achieve it"
10. I think a lot.
11. I really love my Crowley Family
12. I really love my Nilsen Family
13. My jr. high band teacher is one of my heroes.
14. I always plan celebrations that I'm going to do when I score a goal, but when I score, I think about it and I always think it would make me look way braggy, so I just get this dumb little smile on my face.
15. If I could go back in time, I think I would first go to my grandfathers shop when my dad worked there
16. Then I would see what my mom was like
17. Just recently, several people have told me that I am the most easy-going person they know
18. I don't think I am easy-going
19. I LOVE my new 30 gig white video ipod
20. Last night I decided that my new favorite song is Bubbly Toes by Jack Johnson
21. I think my dad is really cool.
22. I don't know if it's really called Bubbly Toes, on our itunes, we have it listed as bubble toes, but he says bubbly toes in the song, but I don't really care, it's just a cool song.
23. I don't really view myself as a disobedient teenager even though I think I sometimes am.
24. I keep going back and forth between putting periods at the end of each of these and then leaving them off
25. Am I really only 1/4 of the way done?
26. One of my favorite feeings is being in a tent or a car while it's raining really hard.
27. I think that a soccer or BYU football highlight video with a good song and good clips is worth my time, anytime.
28. I hate it when I put in extra information in parentheses and then continue on with my sentence afterwards like you're supposed to but it doesn't make sense unless you go back and read it without the parentheses.
29. My soccer juggling record is 515 (if you don't know what soccer juggling is, you should get on YouTube and look up Mr. Woo's halftime show, he is mostly doing juggling tricks, but juggling is simply keeping the ball in the air without your hands, which you can tell by watching that clip).
30. Whew, those parentheses were really long
31. I can get really nervous around cute girls.
32. I sit by a really cute girl in ceramics.
33. Maybe that's why my projects don't look good.
34. I got away with working a whole summer at a car shop without knowing anything about cars.
35. My Grandfather is one of my heroes.
36. My Grandma cracks me up, I think I crack her up too.
37. I don't know much about my Grandma Nilsen, who I never met, but I can't wait to meet her.
38. Occasionally, I get choked up thinking about my Grandpa Nilsen's funeral.
39. My cousin Gary is one of my heroes.
40. I have lots of heroes.
41. Jim and Dwight are also among my list of heroes.
42. I love the scriptures.
43. "The Contender" is one of the best books I've ever read.
44. Even though I don't wrestle, I hate it when people say that they think wrestling is creepy, and it really lowers my respect for them. (I know, that's horrible)
45. As much as I love my extended family, I think I will have a really hard time getting into geneology (sp?) when I get older.
46. I love listening to music, plus, music is one of the ultimate conversation starters.
47. Of all the people I really got to know at all in jr. high, probably the 3 I like the most went to Davis.
48. When people try to explain to me why they like Utah more than BYU all I can do is laugh.
49. Both of my little brothers are heroes of mine.
50. Halfway there
51. My mom is one of my biggest heroes.
52. I couple years ago, the Christensens (as in Jim, sorry if I spelled the last name wrong) gave us a DVD of my dads ward growing up, I think I could watch that dvd all day long.
53. I have a lot of respect for those guys who run the 100 meters in like 10 seconds, that's freakin' amazing.
54. I love to drive.
55. A couple weeks ago I drove all the way down to provo!
57. When I waterski, I feel like I'm on top of the world.
58. I think that for me, spirit paradise might be Lake Powell.
59. Addition to list of heroes: My uncles James and Jesse. They amaze me.
60. My mom is really funny.
61. I can probably fall asleep faster than anyone reading this.
62. I fell asleep in AP Euro today, falling asleep in an ap class, is that like double sin?
63. My 9th grade seminary teacher brother west is one of my heroes.
64. You are my hero for reading my blog!
65. Some of the kids in my new percussion class make me want to cry with their technique.
66. Why didn't Ronaldinho play well in the world cup? That makes me very sad.
67. Sometimes I convince myself that my fan status changes how BYU plays.
68. Pretty much the only people that I have no patience for are those that do things because they know it will get them negative attention.
69. When I make omelettes, I think about what I'm putting in and how I think it's going to taste...it never tastes that way.
70. I know I've said it once, but Nate is one of my biggest heroes. He's so cool.
71. Mr. Wolf my jr high band teacher had a way of making me feel good differently that anyone else.
72. I can kick a soccer ball up, catch it on my neck, take my shirt off, and put my shirt back on while the ball is still on my neck. (Sorry if that sounds really braggy)
73. I need to figure out a way to get more people to read my blog without making it sound like the world revolves around me. Because it doesn't.
74. I've gotten stitches twice in pretty much the exact same place.
75. I can give myself shots pretty easily.
76. I cannot watch other people get shots, I hate it.
77. Sometimes when I try to think of 100 things about me, it's really hard.
78. Once when I was at Lagoon, I lost my moms cell phone (actually I asked my cousin thomas to keep it with him while I went on cliffhanger and he lost it on wildmouse)
79. We got it back.
80. As much as I hate to admit it, I love to pop zits like my mom. Not because she likes to, just because I think it's weird =, and yet, it's so fun and rewarding and addicting.
81. I love to hear other people's stories, that is, if they're interesting of course.
82. Sometimes I am suprised that I get along with some of my friends.
83. My friend sterling was really fast when we were little. He was on my soccer team and he could probably outrun (is that one word) anyone in our league. Since then, most of us have caught up to him, he's still fast, but he's not leaps and bounds (no pun intended) ahead of everyone else. I think thats how I am with brains, I used to be really smart, way ahead of most kids my age. But now, I'm just a pretty average, maybe a little above average student.
84. I finished my eagle project last saturday!
85. I like my name.
86. If I had to change my name, I would change it to rick.
87. I used to say that if I could do 1 thing to change the world I would cure diabetes. I don't know if that's what I do now.
88. i right alot pf tYPos.
89. I hate high school musical
90. I hate pretty much every disney channel show or movie.
91. AP Euro is really hard for me.
92. I love Christmas music, like my dad.
93. Probably my favorite book series is Harry Potter.
94. I think I'm breaking the 2nd Commandment. I worship the Office.
95. I know the whole dance to "My Little Buttercup"
96. An ancestor of mine founded Farmington.
97. I lost my first tooth in an dunking for apples booth at a ward party. I didn't know I had lost it, but I found it in the bottom of the bucket later that night.
98. I want to be just like my dad when I grow up, that includes occupation-wise.
99. Soarin' Over California is one of the coolest rides ever! Probably the coolest ride I've ever been on.
100. I'm pretty freakin' cool!
"Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude."
Denis Waitley
That took me 2 hours and 8 minutes.
Thanks for reading!