Sunday, January 24, 2010

I've decided

that texting has actually been good for my writing skills, in a weird way, and as weird as that sounds. Here's my reasoning:

First off, I don't use the texting language (i.e. not using commas, saying txt instead of text, R for are, U for you, etc). The only habit I have gotten into is not capitalizing "I," which I feel bad about every time.

Secondly, and more importantly, I think being able to say what you mean in 160 characters is a valuable skill. My college entrance essays this year had to be 200 words or less, which is VERY limited space. I hate to say that texting helped me, but I certainly don't think it hurt.

Random thought of the day :)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

It's My Life, It's My Blog

I really don't have much to say today.

I'm hopefully going to the temple tonight and then to the Viewmont Hockey game.

I have an appointment with my endo (diabetes doctor) tomorrow.

I'm nervous.

Last time was my worst visit ever because I was not maintaining good control of my diabetes.

This time should be better.

They take a test that measures your blood sugar control over the previous three months.

I hate doing it. So much trepidation.

Anyway, hope everyone is doing great, I really am loving life, I just don't have a lot to say today.

Oh, I'm waiting to hear from the BYU admissions office. :)