Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Trepidation Part 9

Rick studied the handwriting and re-read the words several times.

"Who is this lady?" he thought, "Who is this guy and why do they want me?"

Rick fell into an uncomfortable sleep pondering these questions.

He woke the next morning and went to the library the moment it opened. He scanned the picture and searched for matches on the internet. Two matches came up, the first matched the landscape to Salem, just five miles down the road from Ricks house. The second matched the woman's face to a woman who had once been a founder of ABW, the Association for a Better World. Rick looked over the picture and determined that the computer had incorrectly matched the picture, he could see no one who looked like the woman in his picture. He skimmed over the names quickly, and then something caught his eye:

Jane Thompson.

"...her name is Jane." Rick remembered what the man had said. The moment Rick realized this, he searched the web for more information on ABW.

"ABW was formed on the shoulders of three women, Meredith Reeder, Jane Thompson, and Linda Prince. The organization was originally a school for brilliant youth, who the founders thought could rise to change the world. The system was inspired by Nicholas Burbules theory that the way we think about power decides what that power will become.
These women believed that by giving gifted children advanced education at a young age, they would form leaders who would never become corrupt, and would eventually rise to world power, creating a form of "utopia" in which differences would be forgotten and the world would become one big, smooth-running economy.
Opposite of original intention, this system became corrupt, due to the difference in curriculum which each of the women presented the children. They were introduced to many political ideas and seperate opinions from each of the women on each of these ideas. Jane Thompson was the only one to stick to the original plan and carry on the associaion."

Rick printed off this page and walked home, overwhelmed with the information and what it might mean about him.


Lyle Jordan Parry said...

I like it!

Kate said...

Wow, what a change in direction. Is Rick going to be let in on a super secret plan to make him the next Alexander the Great? If so then why is this creepy guy trying to hurt him? Strange. I'm totally hooked.

BTW, sorry for kind of yelling yesterday. But hey, it obviously worked. And honestly, it's been like almost a month since you wrote the last chapter.

Thomas said...

i'll be interested to see how you tie all this in. hey just maybe we might be having one of those boy cousin weeks here during the summer!

morganne said...

So, I especially like how you write during school. Nothing beats a great education!

Superman Survivor said...

Finally its here! I especially loved how creative you made it with the ABW and everything.

Anonymous said...

You ROCK! What a great twist.

Now if only the ABW is somehow tied to FIFA and Rick can rise up to save the world by being an international futebol star ...

jani vegas said...

I really like this Josh! So--are you seriously writing during school son?

Leslie said...

Hmmm . . . intrigue! I love it! Keep it comin'.