Friday, January 11, 2008

Here's the deal...

Ok, because of a couple of comments requesting a chance to be the "fill in the verb-er" I have figured out a system that will hopefully work. I will write a story (like I always do) and take out the verbs, adjectives, etc. I will then post how many of each verb, adjective, etc. there is and it will be your (the commenter's) job to fill in the missing words. The first person to comment with all of the needed adjectives, adverbs, verbs, etc. will have the priviledge of having their words put into my story, which I will post later that day (or whenever the first commenter comments, and I see that they have commented). Soooo, here's goes nothin'.

I need:

33 adjectives

1 Place (i.e. the dump, a beautiful la-la land, not a proper noun)

3 nouns

5 adverbs

5 verbs (these are like getting-from-point-A-to-point-B verbs, i.e. walk, run, flip, etc.)

2 verbs (like throw, jump, kick, etc.)

Don't give me the exact amount of things I'm asking for, give a few extra, in case I counted wrong or if some you give don't quite fit in the sentence (i.e. He flung out of his seat. In this case, the very creative word "flung" just doesn't quite fit.).

Sorry, this story might not turn out to be as exciting as the last two, I'm not really feeling the creative juices.


Thomas said...

yes i'm gonna be the first one!!!! ok here they are:

adjectives: blue, dumb, fast, sharp, hard, pointy, crispy, circular, large, idiotic, long, thick, tasty, smelly, sexy, green, slender, fat, juicy, hot, amazing, sad, happy, purple, spicy, slimy, stupid, shiny, old, new, dusty, sparkly, triangular, stretchy, scrumptious, tiny, tall

places: zimbabwe

nouns: baseball, dwight shcrute, sharpie, computer, michael scott

adverbs: quickly, quietly, stupidly, slowly, neatly, stealthly

verb (place to place): sprinted, rushed, crawled, swam, hurdled, jumped

verb: played, listened

Kate said...

oh darn. i lose. maybe next time.

Kate said...

By the way, I like the term PFA. I'll have to start using that. (about guys not girls:))