Saturday, January 12, 2008

Fill in the Verb story, commenters style

Phil sprinted through the blue halls of Pedinski High, flexing his dumb muscles in hopes that a PFA would notice him. PFA was code for "pretty-freakin'-attractive", it was a nickname Phil and his friends had come up with to describe the ridiculously good looking girls at Pedinski, home of the Fighting Polka Dots. Phil quickly realized that he had been so concerned with his fast muscles he had forgotten what class he was going to. Then he remembered, he was heading towards Computer Literacy.

"Blecht," he thought, "the most boring class of the day, and not one single PFA! Oh well, I guess I'll just have to wait until drama."

As Phil savored the thought of his 3rd period drama class, he rushed into Comp Lit, slinking to his desk neatly. The teacher had already started his sharp, hard lecture, which would probably range from pointy microchips, to crispy Lay's chips. Phil did very well at taking notes for the first 7.2 minutes, at which point he realized how comfortable his circular, large, desk was.

Quietly, Phil was in zimbabwe. He was crawling, crawling past long baseballs and thick dwight schrute posters. Was there something behind him? Was someone chasing him? He didn't know he just kept crawling, past the junk when out of the blue a tasty, smelly sharpie was suddenly in his path, he couldn't turn, he couldn't stop all he could do was-

Phil jumped halfway out of his seat and came down with a sexy BANG.

"Nice of you to join us, Mr. Fodder" said his teacher, aggravated at this sudden interuption.

"Sorry" Phil replied.

Phil wasted the rest of the period thinking about green computers and slender michael scott's. Then the fat bell rang, and Phil was the first person out of the juicy classroom. Phil swam slowly down the hall, enjoying the fact that the rest of his day was going to be enjoyable. It consisted of: Drama, Lunch, and Creative Writing.

While Phil was thinking of how exciting his next class was going to be, something caught his eye. It was amazing, sad and happy. It was hair, and it belonged to Kirsten Klixington, the most scrumptious girl at Pedinski High. Phil flexed his muscles and sucked in his gut as he passed her, smiling timidly at her. She looked back, smiled stupidly and walked away, her purple hair flowing behind her like a spicy river. Without warning the words of the famous "Temptations" song entered Phil's head,

"Well, I guess you'll say, What can make me feel this way? My girl. My girl. Talkin' 'bout my girl." Phil hummed to himself on his way to drama.

All to slowly, drama was over and Phil was sitting at lunch, joking with his slimy friends, eating stupid, shiny fries from the lunch line, and spying PFA's who they would take turns waving at.

After Creative Writing, Phil hurdled outside and picked up some old snow while he waited for his bus. He saw his friends standing in a stretchy circle, talking. He stealthly lobbed the snow into the air, aiming for his friend, Bobby.

"Ahh crap," sighed Phil, as he watched his tiny snowball sail past his friends. Then neatly,

WHAM! he drilled Kirsten Klixington right in the face, covering her new, dusty shirt with sparkly, triangular snow.

And that is the story of how Phil Fodder lost his chance at the most gorgeous babe in the school.

Special Thanks and congratulations to Thomas Nilsen for being the first Fill in the Verb commenter.


Lyle Jordan Parry said...

Dang! I wish that I had that story to be fill in the blank person for! You know that, that story would have been perfect for me!

Anonymous said...

woo hoo!!! my awesome words were amazing! thanks for letting me do it!