Friday, December 28, 2007

New Tradition

Ok, so I was just remembering how I did Quotable Fridays, and I decided to come up with a new tradition. However, I'm having trouble letting go of that last one (despite the fact that it only lasted about two weeks) soooo, I'm going to start TWO new traditions! One is this...periodically, I'll have a quote at the bottom of my post (like I used to do) and if you know what it's from, say what it's from in your comment. The second tradition is this: I will write a short narrative and then go back and remove at least some of the following: verbs, adjectives, adverbs, nouns, etc. and have one of my family members fill them in (without seeing the story if course) and then I'll post it. So, here goes nothin'

Jim walked through the cool, blue forest, eating a weird, circular ice-cream cone. Beautifully he heard a yellow-orange sound in the distance. It sounded like a plaid CD. Freaked-out, he ran his ice-cream cone down and moved towards the sound. Finally, he came to a clearing in the barf-y forest. In the clearing he could see a crunchy girl and 1 million ligers. They were slicing her and she was gushing blood profusely. Jim intensely dropped down on his hamstrings and eyelids and began to fly towards the little girl. When he finally got there, he killed the ligers and picked up the girl.

"Are you okay?" asked Jim

"Ya, my grandma's house is just through those leaves, can you take me there?"

"Sure" replied Jim.

As he flipped along the path with her, he heard a fart behind him, turning around he saw that it was a graceful, horrifying unicorn. Slowly, he pulled out his huge, rosy ninja star and fought the unicorn off until it went away. After flying -1 miles, Jim saw a long fairy standing in their way. Summoning his icy board powers, Jim out-magicked (so what if that's not a word) the fairy and trampled it's tongue. They walked 21 more miles and Jim saw a uncomfortable, comfortable cottage.

"Is that you're grandma's house?" asked Jim.

"No, that's where all of the the demented centaurs live" replied the little girl

"What the crap is wrong with this unusual, striped forest?" thought Jim as an awkward, demented centaur emerged from the long grass. He fought the centaur combining his pretty strength and his icy-board powers to defeat the awkward centaur. After flying 35,000,000 miles, Jim saw a freaky looking cottage.

"What lives in that?" Jim asked, scared.

"My Grandma" replied the little girl.

And that is the story of how Jim saved the day in the slippery, dangerous forest.

Special thanks to Nate for his adjectives, adverbs, nouns and numbers.


Kate said...

Which would be . . . . ?

Kate said...

Oh, for some reason it didn't show the post the first time I looked. Sorry for the weird comment.

Thomas said...

hahahaha, that story is hilarious. it makes no sense at so all in some parts, but it's pretty funny!

Anonymous said...

Oooo. I want a rosy ninja star.

Leslie said...

Very funny!!