Tuesday, November 4, 2008


1 OF YOUR NICKNAMES: B3 Bomber (drumline thing)

2 DREAM CARS: 1976 white corvette, yellow retro camaro

3 FAVORITE COLORS: Blue, green, and orange,

4 FAVORITE SPORTS(if any): soccer, football, basketball, indoor soccer

5 FAVORITE BOOKS: harry potter series, the firm, runaway jury, princess bride (yes, the book), bleachers

6 FAVORITE MOVIES: Princess bride, batman begins, batman the dark knight, miracle, sixth sense, remember the titans,

7 FAVORITE FOODS: six dollar burgers, roast, steak, manicotti, poppy seed chicken, sunday chicken, tacos (preferably beef),

8 FAVORITE SONGS: Tomorrow is today, summer highland falls, meant to live, kernkraft 400, better together, bubble toes, faithfully, my girl

9 FAVORITE STORES TO SHOP AT: are there that many stores? lets see, DI, the apple store, scoreboards sports, dicks (haha), carls jr. (lol), DI, scoreboard, did I say DI?, DI

10 DESIRED VACATION SPOTS: England, rio de janeiro, florida, california, europe all around, bahamas, idk, europe should cover it.

1 comment:

Thomas said...

coolio coolio. but if you got tagged, aren't you supposed to tag someone to? haha see ya in 16 days