Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The Best Ideas Are Stolen

This is from my aunt's blog:

I’m not really into tags, but this one speaks to my inner child. You see, on every person’s birthday in my childhood home (and remember there were TEN! of us), we sat around at dinner and recounted memories of the birthday person. Hands down, the person who enjoyed this tradition most was my dad—he practically shot sunshine out of his ears as we each took a minute to share a funny and/or touching memory of each other.

And now with my own little family, we have carried on the tradition of memory sharing. My kids especially like to recall the time I ripped a melty-sticky cookie from Max’s hands and yelled unintentionally like the Soup Nazi, “NO COOKIE FOR YOU!”

See how fun this is? I’m humiliated already!

Here are the directions:

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn’t matter if you knew me a little or a lot, if we’ve actually met in person or not, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you.

It sounds like fun, although it seems that my little blogosphere that I created has started to die, though I hope it will quickly resurrect.


Tiffany said...

I remember when you were first diagnosed with diabetes. The first time I saw you after you got out of the hospital, I thought you were the bravest person I'd ever seen.

Superman Survivor said...

I remember the first time we actually became buddies was in Ms. Bittner's (questionable spelling) class. Those were fun times. It was also the time that you came to the shocking realization that you were color blind.

ali said...

I really liked when we went boating for your birthday. That was really fun. You were awesome on the slalom ski!

Jesse C said...

I remember playing soccer with you in the front room and hallway of my parent's house when you were about 4 or 5. We played with a tiny stuffed ball, and it was actually a lot of fun.

Kate said...

I remember one time when we were both about 8 or 9 and we were playing in Grandma's backyard. We were in Sunday clothes for some reason that I can't remember. You climbed up so you were sitting on top of the monkey bars and then didn't know how to get down. I was on the ground and kept telling you to just jump off. I think our conversation was something like this: "Just jump! It's not that far!" "But what if I hurt my foot?" "You won't, just jump now!" "Shouldn't I just hang on and then drop off?" "No it will be faster to jump." "But it's far." "What are you scared?" "No!"
And then you jumped off and landed on your knees and got really bad grass stains on your nice khaki pants. And I felt bad. And then your dad came out and got mad at you because you ruined your pants. And then I felt guilty. So that's kind of a weird memory but it's one that I remember the best, maybe because I still feel a little guilty. So never listen to me if you are up high and I'm on the ground.

Thomas said...

"drop the sucker. yeahhh! BINGO!!! WHOA WHOA WHOA!!!!" ok, i don't really know if that was a memory, so here's another one: going to cherry hill and seeing how many times we could do the tube ride in one day. i think we got like 20 or something. hahaha, good times, good times.

Anonymous said...

I remember you working for me last summer. It was nice to have somebody work for me who's ears actually worked. You could be given instructions and then I knew the job would be done.

I also enjoy going boating with you, you have that spark of enthusiam for it that makes it so fun.

I also enjoy your sense of humor.
