Sunday, May 18, 2008

Thought Of The Day

Lately I've been thinking about the monotony of life. The more I think about it the more I seem to realize that time really is like a prison. It's the same everyday: Wake up, go to school (which is generally the same everyday), get home, do homework, do extra-curricular activities, go to bed. One of my favorite quotes says:

"The way we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives." In the end, am I going to look back on life and realize, "Dang, I did pretty much the same thing every day, my whole life was just filled with the same boring stuff over and over and over again."? I hope not.

I just want to do something crazy to "This Is Why I'm Hot" in front of the whole school, stage dive, and then run all the way home. But in the end, what would that profit me? Sure, I might feel like a rebel and defiant and everything, but we're still trapped. We're almost stuck in this big pit of time where everything seems rational. Everything points to God, yet at the same time the rationality tests your faith in God.

Have you ever thought about how all we are working towards in this life is death? Don't think I'm suicidal or anything, but really, what do we do? We keep the commandments (hopefully), endure to the end (hopefully), and die (for sure-ly). Then we move on to bigger and better things. However, there is one scripture (I know, I'm going Peter Priesthood on you) that comforts me regarding this matter. D&C 38:15:

"Therefore, be ye strong from henceforth; fear not, for the kingdom is yours."

And that is my thought of the day.


Superman Survivor said...

That's a good point. But in my opinion, the phrase "keep the commandments" is taken really lightly (I'm not saying that you did) and is a three word phrase that really describes countless things about what we do and don't do. We face thousands of challenges and problems that cause struggles between right and wrong and those struggles erase this monotony and can change who we are. I don't know if that makes a lot of sense and I know I made this comment much longer than it needs to be, but hopefully you find that helpful in one way or another.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Deep thinking on a Monday.

I love the scriptures that remind us to "fear not." The worst decisions I ever made in my life were the ones I made while I was afraid.

No matter what the future holds in store, the Lord is always in control. We can trust in that.

Thomas said...

wow, that was pretty deep and moving. i think i felt a tear come to my eye.

heidi said...

I know spontaneity is important, but if you feel any urge to dance to 'this is why i'm hot' you best let me know so I can be there to video it.
Thanks for your thoughts. It gives me something else to ponder this week.

Also, thanks for a fun weekend. I don't know if you realize how much I enjoy hanging out with you. I look up to you a lot. Thanks for laughing at, I mean with, me. :)
Now go tickle the ivories please.

Nick the winner said...

Dude your my hero, if u can think that hard on a monday and have it insperational then you're doing something right in your life. I know that you'll have a great life ahead of you