Saturday, May 31, 2008


I need advice on some more soccer drama. Here's the situation:

Last fall the Rush club (who I play for) had two teams, I was on the "B" team, though we finished with the same amount of points in our division as the "A" team. Then in the spring, several of the players from the "A" team made the high school team. Tryouts were just this past week, and I could not tryout because of my nose, but regardless, Becky (my coach) told me to not worry about it because they have seen me play before. Well she just called and talked to my mom and told us that at tryouts, only 7 of the players from last fall's "A" team showed up and are going to be playing with us. She told my mom that I have a spot on the team if I want it, but I would be 19th on the roster, meaning that I would rarely, if ever, play. So...

Being on the team:

Get to play with high level of competition
Get to know players on the high school team better, meaning the high school coach might notice me or find out that I exist
Get better in preparation for high school ball
Get to play the sport I love, though not in games

Big time commitment with little reward for my efforts
I would have to play with players (from the high school team) who I really don't like nor get along with
Don't get to play the sport I love, in games at least

Not playing on the team:

Avoid drama
More time

No chance of being noticed by the high school coach
Entire season of training and preparation to play high school lost

I don't know what to do...

Oh, by the way, I got my license yesterday. Stay off the roads. :)


Kate said...

Wahoo! Isn't getting your licence one of the greatest feelings ever?

morganne said...

Not gonna lie, you're in a bit of a pickle here.

Is there any other team you'd rather go to, or could possibly try out for so you could have more playing time?

Would you rather have more free time and not do what you love?

Are you afraid to work hard? :) jk

If it were me, I'd still be on the team, because...
1. Drama is able to be dealt with; it's just hard (but, hey, this is coming from me, and drama from others is what I thrive on, because I don't want to be like that)
2. Having such a large roster would force you (once again) to have to work hard to earn your spot on the field (not saying you already don't)
3. Umm, it's soccer. Is there any other choice??

Sorry that I'm not much help.

Thomas said...

wow, that must stink. well if i was in your situation i would definitely pick the A team and work my butt off and try to get playing time.

lucky!!! you got your license!!! i am definitely staying of the roads, ahhhh!

Lindy-Lou said...

I recommend that you read the quote in your header. Some of the most successful people were wise enough to take the humblest position and make the most of it. However, I'm in your corner either way. You are an amazing person. And I'm NOT prejudiced. Really.

Lindy-Lou said...

OK, I am. But it's still true.

Anonymous said...

Josh you are awsome. If being on the A team will help you reach your full potential and bring you joy in the process then go for it. If being on the B team fulfills your need to play and helps sharpens your skills by having much more play time go for it. Often getting on the school team is by other players recommending to the coach who they know are good players. You would be one of those players that would be recommended. You have talent, passion, heart, enthusiasm and you are a team player and you are just fun to be around.


ali said...

Hey Josh!
hm...decisions, decisions. From what I'm reading, the choices are play soccer, or take a break. Haha...I think you know what I'd do;) I think you should work for your playing time. You're a great soccer player. If you show your coach that and show how much you love this game, you'll be rewarded. Have an awesome summer, I'm excited to hear how this dilemma works out!

Lyle Jordan Parry said...

Well there might be an alternative... my team is starting practices Tuesday. (We didn't fall apart YAY!) We just lost a stopper and a center midfielder as far as I know and you play both of those positions. I can talk to my coach Tuesday if you want me to.

Jesse C said...
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Jesse C said...

Does the club not have a better coach than this Becky lady? She seems to reward your goals and assists with bench time. I don't know man, it really is a tough choice. If it's a choice between playing and not playing, I think you would regret not playing.

If you do play, you've got approach every practice and every game with confidence. You're only a second class citizen if you allow yourself to be. As hard as it may be, don't approach anything as if it is you vs. the coach or you vs. your team mates. It is good to work hard and compete for playing time, but spite and vengeance are never good motivators. (I know from personal experience.)