Friday, May 23, 2008

At Long Last

No, I haven't found out anything on my story, BUT I did break my nose in my game tonight. This marks the first serious injury I have sustained in a game, and it's been a long time comin'. Of course, I don't go looking to get hurt, but I have thought in the past that all good soccer players should, at some point in their career, get seriously injured during a game or practice. So yeah, it's not that bad and it doesn't hurt too much.

The way it happened is all kind of a blur, all I know is that I was marking this kid, the ball bounced up to him, and somehow the side of his head ended up embedded in my face. Well, that's an exaggeration, but it did hurt at first. He actually had to come out because his ear hurt, so apparently it was the side of his head, though I originally thought that it was the back. My biggest regret is that we didn't get a picture of my bloody face (no pun intended). It's crooked but not overwhelmingly.

Pictures [not bloody :( ] may be coming in the future, but unfortunately I'm on dial-up, so not for a while at least.


Thomas said...

ya, atta boy josh!!! gettin' in on the action!!!

heidi said...

Congrats Josh!

Kate said...

Your title seriously scared/excited me because I instantly thought you had heard about your story. Is your nose swollen really big? You are only the second person I have ever met that has broken their nose. My friend's story isn't nearly as dramatic though. She was asleep on her front lawn when her little brother dropped a big metel pipe from their swing set on her face. Ouch!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait for the pics. I didn't notice ur face at school.


Anonymous said...

Josh my nose hurts just hearing your story. Now you are going to look like a boxer crooked nose and all. So hows the driving coming along? Do yhou feel comfortable on the freeway yet?

morganne said...

I must say, it's interesting and pretty funny to see your nose and its crooked look, and the black eye(s) you've also received. I'm jealous. I've always wanted a somewhat minor injury from soccer too. So congratulations at beating me to receiving "the big injury". Well done. :)