Monday, June 23, 2008

The Incredible Results of the Fantabulous Ginormous Quote Challenge with the Gargantuan Prize of 100 dollars!

Just kidding. But here are the results:

1. Too Much Time On My Hands, Styx

2. Batman Begins

3. The Office, Benihana Christmas

4. The Outsiders

5. Dream On, Aerosmith

6. Remember the Titans (of course, sheesh, if you missed that one you should be ashamed)

7. MULAN! This one had pretty much every single one of you besides matt, who either didn't know any of the others (which I doubt) or just chose not to participate.

8. Groundhog Day

9. The Best Two Years

10. Tomorrow is Today, the great, Billy Joel

And by my count the winner is my dad, with a pretty awesome score of 8. Sorry thomas, cheating off other people never works, especially if it's sean :D.


John said...

Sweet. So we're even then.

$100 bucks for avg. 150.
$100 bucks for contest.

Superman Survivor said...

Correction: especially if it's Sean posting a comment way past his bedtime when his mind is not functioning correctly.

Matt said...

Um, I didn't realize that we were supposed to put in a post what ones we knew.


Thomas said...

dang it! i only missed two. but i have a confession to make: i just copied my answers from everyone else, haha woops. i got the office one on my own though!