Saturday, April 12, 2008

ACT and other random stuff

Well this morning I took the ACT-just for practice-and it went well. Me and my friend Matt were pretty much the only sophomores there, but it's not like that really matters much. I'll break it down for you section-by-section.

Well, it started out a little intense in the English section, and there was even one point t hat the clock had me by 3 and a half seconds...just kidding. I did well on the English, it was extremely easy. I was pretty sure on all of them, and I finished with plenty of time left.

Then we took the math portion, which was pretty easy as well. The highest level of math that it covers is trig, which I've been out of for a year, and most were even earlier math than that. My biggest problem was remembering how to do problems that I haven't done FOREVER. When they gave the "5 minute warning" I still had a few to do that took me a while, but in the end I think I only guessed on 1 or 2.

Then we took the reading portion, which everyone says is the hardest because of the short amount of time that you have to read the passages and answer the questions. Once again, I had 4 or 5 to do when they told us we only had 5 minutes, but again, I only guessed on 1 or 2.

Last we took the science/reasoning section, which I kinda think is dumb, because it shouldn't be called the "science/reasoning" section it should be the "can you read big words and understand graphs" section. Again, the only issue I had was having to guess on the last couple questions because I was running out of time.

In the end, I'm being realistc and confident. I did nothing to prepare other than reading online a little bit the night before. It wasn't a very hard test though, so I figure if I score around the 20-25 range, that's a good place to be for my first time. If I score higher than 25 I'll be thrilled. Realistically, it can only go up (unless I suddenly get stupider I suppose), so no matter what I get, I'll look at it optimistically.

On a completely seperate note...I scored in my game on Wednesday! It was a pretty sweet goal, and I was very close to having an even sweeter goal in the second half (the keeper got a hand to it and it slowly rolled towards the goal AND......oh! it hit the post). It was against a team filled with players who I used to play with who I now hate (soccer-wise at least). Soccer drama, you've gotta love it.

Back to the original subject: What have been some of your ACT experiences?


Thomas said...

wow that sounds fun. well some of my fondest act moments is one time where i took it for fun in the 6th grade and got a perfect 36 on it. it was amazing, i was a genius, hence the name of my blog. ok totally jk, i've never taken it, but i'm sure i will be soon

Anonymous said...

Nice! I bet you'll get like a 30. I'm going to take it again in June 1)to get my score a little higher (I'm like one point away from collage admission) and 2) to get it out of the way before school next year (it totally ruined my school year last time)
It was way easier than I thought it would be. If that's the stuff you have to know for collage, than I could totally go next year. j/k :)

Jesse C said...

Glad the test went well, and good job on scoring. It's all the sweeter when it comes against former teammates.

morganne said...

Don't you just love playing against players you know?? Especially when you win?? Even more especially when you score, and don't make a fool of yourself?? I just love playing against my friends(or enemies; take your pick) in a game, which reminds me of the game I have this Wednesday against my former team....and here's the thing: there's about 6 or 7 on the other team that I know, and that go to Viewmont, and just me on my team. So we gotta win. We just gotta.

That reminds me of something....wouldn't it be awesome if our teams (yours and mine) scrimmaged against each other?? I think it would be. If you're interested, I'm sure my coach would go for that. Let me know.

p.s.(Uh, Kate... "College" is spelled with an "e", not an "a". It just made me laugh because you're talking about being smart and going to college. So yeah.)

Lyle Jordan Parry said...

I know I read this while you were sitting next to me but I have more info for you... I posted on my blog again and hopefully I will keep it going this time like I have said I was going to a bunch of other times.

Lyle Jordan Parry said...

One more comment, I just noticed on your poll that the percentage total equaled out to be 99%... what happened to the other 1%?!?!?!?!

Anonymous said...

Oh wow! Thanks Morganne! My face is burning bright red.... That has always been one "those words" that I can never for the life of me remember! Wow.... I'll laugh over this for a while. Another shining moment of my life.
"But what are we but to make sport for our neighbours, and then laugh at them in our turn!" -Mr. Bennet, Pride and Prejudice

morganne said...

Eh, I still love ya, Kate. :)

Anonymous said...

I just read my first comment again, and realized I sound totally braggy. So sorry, I really wasn't trying to be. Let me explain. I did manage to receive just barely under the minimum score you need to apply after three monthes of serious preparation, thus my ruined school year. As for it being way easy, you have to understand that before I took it, I thought of it as this huge collEge level test that was out to get me. So I was shocked to find out that it was mostly the stuff I had been doing. Sorry for sounding so "freaking genius-y-and I-know-it". And I really do think you'll score high.

Matt said...

Ya that ACT was very, very long. I am not looking forward to taking that again next year after i get a 20 or lower idk.


Lindy-Lou said...

Oh, my goodness, congratulations, Josh! You took it cold turkey and got a 30???? I am so proud of you. That kind of score doesn't just happen. Good work! wow.