Monday, February 23, 2009

Blog Review

Today in creative writing, we basically had free time to write whatever we wanted. My creative juices weren't flowing at all, so I decided to look back on my early days of blogging. I basically read everything I've ever posted. And in the end, although there was a lot of junky stuff, it was very apparent that my blog has declined in quality and popularity in the last year or so. Hopefully, I'll come up with a great idea for a short story in the next day or two that I can start posting to jump start this blog.

After reading everything, I realized that I never did post any pictures of my broken nose that I got last May. So, here it is. Keep in mind that this was immediately after the InstaCare cleaned me up. As in no shower, no water. I look pretty out of it and hideous to be perfectly honest. But that's all right, you guys know how attractive I normally am ;) jk.

and just for good measure, I'll add an awesome photo of me :)


Kate said...

Yeah, I re-read my blog history too. My readership and quality have been slipping towards lameness. I think yours is still great though.:) I'm still reading. Btw, that picture of your crooked nose is a little freaky. But cool at the same time. It looks rather painful.

John said...

The best part is that Scott took one look at that nose and thought "Yeah, I'll just squeeze it and get the bleeding to stop." Yikes! Like it wasn't obvious that it was completely broken.

Thomas said...

ahhh!!!! michael jackson!!!! haha jk, sick water skiing pic!!!

Jesse C said...

Ouch. That nose looks painful.

I've been slacking on reading everyone's blogs so don't take it personally.

Leslie said...

Ouch!! Did you get your nose straightened out? I don't remember it looking crooked. If not, I know a good ENT.

You have a great blog. don't get discouraged.

Lindy-Lou said...

Ouchy wowchy!! I'm glad that's past history. You look great now, Josh, didn't leave a mark.

James said...

Josh. You have a great blog just keep writing.

My time for blog reading has declined dramatically. I also have stopped posting on people's blogs as well, so sorry.