Friday, May 22, 2009

The Two Poems...

...that were published (along with my story) in Viewmont's first ever literary magazine.

Mrs. Mortimer is Waiting

If you should come across a freshly chewed piece of bubble gum,

in the middle of the rarely visited path between the Samson's and the Bells,

on a crisp October evening

on your way to visit Mrs. Mortimer,

who invited you over for cookies and grapefruit juice

for the third time this week,

and even though you're dreadint the musty smell

due to the ridiculous amount of cat food in the basement,

you still visit,

because heaven knows that this world needs more people like you,

who still rake the neighbor's leaves,

and eat at the local diner,

and walk the dog,

and read books on the weekend.

So leave the gume there,

Mrs. Mortimer is waiting.

It's kinda weird, kinda cool, kinda confusing. I really don't have any explanation, it's just supposed to be interpreted however you want to interpret it.

What Makes You?

The moments between sleep and consciousness,

Watching a thunderstorm,

Conversations with myself,

Listening to the sounds of your house at home alone,

Waking up before anyone in the tent,

Races against no one,

Silent self-evaluations,

Great contemplative songs,

Wearing the sweatpants you got for Christmas all break long,

Failed exercise plans,

Stepping over the sidewalk cracks,

Fighting for starting posoitions,






What makes you?

This one is self-explanatory. These are some of the countless over-looked moments that make me who I am today. Not my favorite poem I've ever written, but everyone on the staff really liked it.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Update In My Wonderful Life

I made Student Body Office for next school year, which has been keeping me VERY busy.

Prom was fun.

Helping to coach nate's soccer team.

Still working to pay parents back for EFY.

Reading Harry Potter...again :)

AP Calculus test went well (hoping for a 5).

Not taking the AP American test.

3 pieces to be published in Viewmont's first ever Literary Magazine next week. :)

Moved from second assistant in the priest's quorum to secretary.

Life's good.

Can't wait for summer.

Love you for reading my blog.

Peace out.