Ok, BYU lost. There. It's out there. I know it. I don't deny it, nor will I make any excuses for my team or anything like that, the truth is it sucked. It sucked bigtime. I cried myself to sleep Thursday night. I hate frogs, in fact I killed my little brother's pet frog after the game. Ok, no I didn't, it already died a couple weeks ago. But I wish it was still alive so that I could kill it.
To look on the bright side-if there is one-I got a chance to teach my little brother about true fanhood. You see when the game was completely out of reach my little brother, Nate, said,
"Let's turn it off, this is stupid."
Now to an onlooker this may seem to be an act of acceptance and reality. But as a true fan, I'll tell you that this was actually a prime example of a fair-weather fan in action. I turned to him and said,
"Nate, are you a BYU fan just when BYU wins or are you a BYU fan no matter what?"
He looked at me and said, "You mean you want to watch this?"
I responded, "I'm just as upset about this game as you are Nate, in fact, probably even more than you, but I'm still a BYU fan. Even if BYU lost every game in a season, I'd still call myself a BYU fan with pride."
Lesson learned.
Now, I finally got my poem project back in creative writing, and since I still haven't come up with a new story idea, I'll just post some of those for now. The first poem needs explanation, but I can't through writing without getting wordy, so if you're losing any sleep over it, ask me about it the next time you get a chance and I'll explain how I came up with it.
Creeping From My Bunk For Water
A huge dilapidated living room,
with some pirate theme,
caused a thirst so unmanageable
as I was lifting a pot of steaming asparagus,
that a dimpled, fat, white,
heavyset girl with a ponytail,
who was my homeroom teacher,
Mrs. Winterbottom, offered me a brownie to ease the thirst.
I then rose and made a speech,
"You aren't supposed to
creep from your bunk for water, even with thirst so unmanageable
your face
in a certain room
that the thirst was to a point
that it might be more wrong than we know.
Even when
the fall of the heart calls on heroes
I had seen pictures of,
those tall daughters whose fast footsteps
seemed to've corrected
the breathing of some stupendous creature,
not even then do we creep from our bunk for water."
The Thong Song
There is a song;
It is so long.
When it gets stuck in your head
You'll wish you were dead.
I think I'd rather wear a thong.
The Life of a Fife
This is a fife.
It lives in the fickle fissures of far-off Frinkleville.
A fife eats the finest, frothy, frugal, flounder.
It likes filming, flying, flopping, and fizzing around its fickle fissure.
For fun it finds feisty fools and fights their freaky friends.
Friday my fife found my favorite French fries and flung them at my furious face.
Oh What Fun It Is To Water-Ski
I hear the zipper and now I'm awake
My muscles are sore and I'm starting to quake
But shortly I recall, the sooner the better
Quickly goes on my black, hooded sweater
A little hot chocolate I quickly sip
And I try to forget about the short length of our trip
After a bit of muffin, we're on the lake
Gently I stretch, for my body's sake
I slip off my shirt in an awkward pose
And a whiff of campfire is caught in my nose
I remember last night, with the music and laughs
I think a little more sleep might have helped my calves.
I gracefully dive in and catch my breath
The soreness in my muscles now feels like death
I surface the water and slip on my ski
Ah! Now it's warm, I just took a pee
Soom on the water, smooth as glass
No boats to see, no boats to pass
A feeling like heaven, complete peace of mind,
An emotion I can never seem to find
With freedom of motion I zig and I zag
The tighter the turn, the less the sag
As I make a hard cut, my body seems to moan
I let go of the handle and release a silent groan
I hit the water, as hard as concrete
Again my body and the soreness meett
I was just getting dry! Now I'm all wet
I have to search for my ski, which I swim to get
I'm limp and tired and back in the boat
Watching other skiers, making mental note
"Give me a rest!" is my body's plea
Yet oh what fun it is to water-ski
And last but not least
As I think about the world and all it's crazy creeps
A nervous emotion into my body seeps
I don't like this feeling, no I don't like it
That's why I've decided to make my blog private
If you don't tell me your email, your face I will flog,
not to mention you'll never be able to read my great blog!